How Gamification Works in Marketing

how gamification works in marketing | idan rubin

How many of us would prefer to play games on our mobile or desktop instead of listening to a lecture or reading another article? We as humans have an inborn psychological need to play, and therefore we will have a natural disliking of the dull and mundane whether it be reading big chunks of text or looking at a data spreadsheet. Inevitably,  humans prefer …

Must have WordPress plugins for a brand new website

So, you finally got your WordPress website up and running. Good for you! Now you probably wonder what plugins you should boost your site with? Whether it’s a personal blog, e-commerce or pretty much any kind of WordPress website you can imagine, the use of plugins (if done properly) can improve many aspects of your website which may result in …

Contrary to Popular Belief, the Digital Marketing Revolution Is Really about People

The younger generation Digital Marketing Revolution

Gaining a client’s trust used to be as simple as putting forth a firm handshake and looking the individual in the eye, but globalization, interconnectivity, and leveraged data has transformed today’s commercial environment and redefined our mode of interaction. In this regard, it seems as though the days of radio ads, television spots, and newsprint promotions are long gone, which …